Conservation task

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Tools and equipment will be provided along with guidance on the most effective & safest approach, to help with scrub clearance & planting of seedling cowslipsDetailed description
We are working in partnership with the site owner to prepare this site for the return of the extrememly rare (and very fussy) Duke of Burgundy butterfly. In the course of our work we have discovered a population of a small moth, so rare it was considered extinct in the UK, so now we work to protect that too. Most of our work focusses on removing a percentage of the site's scrub so that the site retains open flower-rich grasslands and doesn't become a dark, scrubby woodland. Volunteers might use loppers to cut material or rakes to remove cut material and move it to compost heaps on site. They might help with planting of seedlings that rare butteflies' and moths' caterpillars will eat.
Existing vols tell us they like the physical work and exercise in beautiful srroundings and the social nature of the event.