Green Volunteens (13-18 year olds)

Green Volunteens (13-18 year olds)

Organisation role · 2–3 hrs/Week · Starting from 12 Oct 2024
HP22 6BD, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
Nature & sustainabilityHealthWellbeing
3 Good health and well-being
Suitable for under 18s

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Lindengate Gardens
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Volunteer with us. Nature based & focused on conservation, bushcraft, heritage & gardening skills. Good way to complete your DofE's Award volunteering.

Detailed description

Green Volunteens is open to anyone aged between 13-18. It’s a great way to meet new people or complete your Duke of Edinburgh's Award volunteering.

All activities are nature based and focused on conservation, bushcraft, heritage skills and maintaining the gardens.

Green Volunteens runs on Saturday mornings from 10am-1pm.

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About Lindengate Gardens

Based in Wendover, Lindengate Gardens is a mental health charity that offers garden volunteering and wellbeing programmes.

Social and therapeutic horticulture improves mental health by bringing people together, offering opportunities to learn new skills, be physically active, grow self-esteem and social skills through connecting with nature.

Every year over 3,000 people benefit in some way from being at Lindengate’s therapeutic gardens through our wellbeing activities, volunteering, attending our events or just visiting the gardens