Buckinghamshire Waste Busters
Flexible location
Social mediaAdvice & MentoringCampaigningEvents & festival
Nature & sustainability

Contact person
Viv SteinAsk Viv a question
Garden Organic
Scan me or visit www.volunteerbucks.org.uk/o/Garden-Organic/opportunities/Buckinghamshire-Waste-Busters/85296 to join
Scan me or visit www.volunteerbucks.org.uk/o/Garden-Organic/opportunities/Buckinghamshire-Waste-Busters/85296 to join
Join our volunteer team to help people in your local community recycle better, compost more, choose to reuse and repair and make the most of their food at home.Detailed description
The role involves:
· Engaging with the public at events across Bucks.
· Talking with neighbours, friends, and colleagues.
· Posting on social media.
· Delivering talks and workshops to schools and community groups.
Volunteers can decide which of these they wish to undertake, as well as finding their own local events or projects.
Volunteering with us will give you the opportunity to:
· Learn or try new things and develop new skills
· Gain work experience and add to your CV
· Meet new people or make new friends
· Build your confidence
· Give back to the community and help make a difference to tackle climate change.
What we will provide to volunteers
💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra supportAbout Garden Organic
Buckinghamshire Waste Busters is a project run by Garden Organic
for Buckinghamshire Council. We recruit, train and support a team of passionate volunteers, to raise awareness of waste reduction in their communities.
for Buckinghamshire Council. We recruit, train and support a team of passionate volunteers, to raise awareness of waste reduction in their communities.